カナダ ブリティッシュコロンビア州 アボッツフォード


Abbotsford town and country

人口は、約12万4,000人で州内第5位、カナダ国内第37位の人口規模を持ち、カナダのブリティッシュ・コロンビア州南西部、バンクーバーから72キロメートル東に位置する面積約360平方キロメートル、州内最大級の農地を有する農業都市です。 温暖な気候と都市部周辺の農場地帯の土壌が、乳製品、卵、鶏肉、野菜、果樹や畜産など数百万ドルの産業を生み出し、地域経済を支えています。 また、フレーザーバレー地域の小売業の中心地でもあり、国政的な商店街、田舎の伝統的で親しみのあるダウンタウンなどユニークなスタイルの商業エリアがあります。


I felt this was an especially precious experience.

参加者 Ms. K--, 2003 / Aichi Gakuin Student

My host family was always thinking about me warmly.



参加者 Ms. Kondo / 淑徳大学 健康医療科学部2年生
参加ツアー Spring 2014 Riverside Tour




Week 1

Poster Presentation on host family: To do this you will need to interview and find out as many interesting things as you can about your host family: Where were they born? How did they meet? What their favorite TV show? Where they went on their honeymoon? You wiil then put all this information onto a poster and make a presentation to the other students in your class about your host family.

Week 2

Cross Cultural Project & Preparation for Elderly home visit: Our two main projects this week are the visit to the elderly home and the US-Japan cross cultural project where you will investigate a particualr area of culture of interview your host family and other local citizens and present your findings to the class. Some possible areas include education, food, television etc. For the elderly home visit, you will have a worksheet which will ask you to interview at least 2 elderly residents and find out as much information as you can about them. We will then share our experiences with the rest of our classmates.

Week 3

Junior High School Visit: The main event of the third week will be our visit to the junior high school where you and a team of Japanese students will make a 50-minute presentation of Japanese culture to several different American junior high school classese. Although difficult, this will be an excellent chance to practice your communicative English speaking skills.

Sayonara Party: The last main event will involve preparing for and practicing for the Sayonara Party. The sayonara party is in essence a mini Japanese Cultural Festival where you will be able to share and present various part of Japanese culture with your host family. There will also be a stage presentation where you will perform a few skits and speeches in front of your host family which will be another chance to practice your communicative English speaking skills.